• ProTERM's Quick Index is available for this document.
When this file is opened from a ProTERM Help menu, a small table of
contents or "Index" window also opens to the right of this window: ===>>
Double-click any subject header in the Quick Index window to locate that
subject header here. Use the Quick Index window as a quick navigator tool.
• Create Quick Indexes for your own ProTERM documents. For help on this
and other features, choose Help from the Apple menu (upper left corner).
In addition to using a mouse to navigate ProTERM documents, you can also:
• Use Page up, Page down, Home and End keys on extended keyboards.
• For a Special Keys palette, choose Special Keys from the ProTERM Tools menu.
** ——— **
***** How To Purchase ProTERM *****
ProTERM’s evaluation mode expire 30 days from the time ProTERM is first run.
ProTERM is $69.95 (includes shipping of the user manual and rest of the package in the USA and Canada). The latest version of the fully functioning ProTERM Mac file is always available at <www.intrec.com>. See the end of this document for details.
ProTERM Order Form and Feature List: Click the Apple menu (upper left corner of the screen), and choose from the Help menu.
ProTERM Mac 1.2.5 -- The best ever!
Published and sold direct by InTrec Software, Inc.
The ultimate Macintosh telecom application! ProTERM Mac features power, speed, flexibility, functional use, utility value and elegance. If you’ve tried other Macintosh command line telecom applications that left you wanting, the wait is over, ProTERM has it all! When you’re convinced ProTERM is the best text based telecom application available, contact 1-888-PROTERM (sales@proterm.com>. For just $69.95 you get the ProTERM Serial and Key number and a license to use ProTERM. If you’re not convinced, stop using ProTERM.
ProTERM is possibly the fastest Macintosh telecom app ever, easier to use, and with features never offered in other telecom applications. Not only does it beat the competition’s online capabilities, the feature loaded ProTERM editor allows a wide choice edit and conversion features (editors and authors LOVE it!). Click the Apple menu and choose Features from the Help menu.
**** InTrec Newsletter ****
Send your email address and we’ll send tips, answer questions, send info on changes, update information, events and an occasional InTrec newsletter. Your address will remain confidential, and request removal at any time.
To subscribe to the InTrec Newsletter, send an email message to:
<proterm-list@intrec.com> Use the word “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject. Add a note in the message body saying: “Here is my email address, subscribe me to the InTrec Newsletter.” Be sure to tell us who is sending the note; include your full name, address, and ProTERM serial number. We’ll enter your email address in our customer database. We’ll stay in touch — you stay in touch — let us know how ProTERM is working for you. Also tell us if you change your email or US Postal address.
We’re an interactive company. If you have suggestions, please include them. Good ideas made ProTERM what it is, and will make it better. We may even add your tricks and tips or special use to the newsletter.
***** PTMM ProTERM Message Manager *****
ProTERM Message Manager (PTMM), ProTERM’s automatic email plugin is FREE!
PTMM is available from <www.intrec.com>. Complete with its own installer,
PTMM allows email automation for Internet email, POP3-SMTP and other online services. Just plug in PTMM, and it runs from within ProTERM.
** ——— **
**** New User Install ****
Starting ProTERM
Open the ProTERM 1.2.5 folder and double-click ProTERM.
Enter your name and organization (if applicable) in the Personalize window.
**** =>The Evaluation Mode ****
If have not yet purchased ProTERM, ProTERM will work for you with all features working in a 30-day evaluation mode by inserting your name and leaving the serial and key number fields blank. For more information about InTrec and how to buy ProTERM, see the end of this document.
•When You Buy ProTERM
When you purchase ProTERM, you receive the ProTERM Serial and Key numbers. Enter these in the applicable fields in the introductory screen. When the serial and key numbers are entered, ProTERM does not expire on the anniversary of the 30 day evaluation period. The Serial and Key numbers can be entered in the introductory window any time ProTERM is being launched during its evaluation mode. ProTERM can also be “revived” after expiration by entering the Serial and Key numbers.
Record and store your serial and key number in a safe place. You will need them if you reinstall ProTERM, and for future updates and upgrades. The serial and key numbers are also on your invoice sales receipt. If you call for technical support, you will be asked for your ProTERM serial number. You are automatically registered when you purchase ProTERM directly from InTrec Software.
To continue, double-click “•Configuring Your System” in the Quick Index to the right of this document. For additional follow-up help when ProTERM is up and running, click the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen, and choose “Tips & Get Started” from the Help menu.
***** •UPDATE PROTERM• *****
***** =>Update ProTERM 1.2.x to 1.2.5 *****
Update ProTERM 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.2.3 or 1.2.4 to ProTERM 1.2.5.
*** Serial & Key Numbers ***
Your ProTERM Serial and Key numbers are needed to restart ProTERM.
(They are on your original purchase invoice.)
***** =>Easy Update *****
TIP: We suggest you keep a complete copy of your OLD ProTERM folder and its files until you have the NEW ProTERM up and running. The OLD ProTERM may be useful for checking your modem or device configuration or other special preference you had set in the older version. You can either backup your ProTERM folder (see directions below) or hold down the OPTION key as you drag folders and files. “OPTION-Drag” allows the Macintosh Finder to leave the OLD file or folder in place while it “moves” a copy of the file or folder to the NEW location.
The ProTERM 1.2.5 update is easy. These few steps cover the essentials:
1- Drag your personal “Service” (connect) files from the OLD ProTERM > Services folder to the NEW ProTERM > Services folder. NOTE: There are several updated files in the NEW Services folder. BE CAREFUL to not replace any existing files in the NEW Services folder.
NOTE: If you have called the InTrec BBS and have created an autologon
macro, replace the new InTrec BBS file with the your personalized
InTrec BBS file. Otherwise, leave the new version in the folder.
2- Drag the “Sessions” and “Transfers” folders from the OLD ProTERM folder to the NEW ProTERM folder, and allow them to replace the NEW Sessions and Transfers folders.
3- If you have ProTERM Message Manager (PTMM) installed, drag the PTMM folder from the OLD ProTERM folder to the NEW ProTERM 1.2.5 folder. See <www.intrec.com> for the free new PTMM 2.5 upgrade.
4- If you have personal files in the ProTERM folder, or if you have custom scripts or macros in the OLD ProTERM > Macros folder, drag them to the NEW ProTERM folder.
5- When you’re sure everything works as expected, and you have everything out of the OLD ProTERM folder (or folder(s) if you created the “ProTERM Copy” backup), drag the OLD folders to the trash.
6- Click “•Configuring Your System” in the Index window to continue.
When ProTERM Mac is up and running, click on the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen, choose “Tips & Get Started” from the Help menu. You will also find additional assistance in the several other Help menu files.
***** =>Update Step by Step *****
The following steps have the same results as the above “short” steps, but explains the update with more detail. These procedures also describe how to make a backup file.
Backup your OLD ProTERM Folder. (These steps are just an extra precaution to ensure you do not loose any valuable files.)
Backup your OLD ProTERM folder (an easy method).
1- Click your =OLD= ProTERM folder to make it the “selected” folder.
2- Choose Duplicate from the File menu. The Macintosh Finder will create a copy of the ProTERM folder, and name the copied folder “ProTERM Copy”.
*** Update Overview ***
As noted above, only a few files are needed from your OLD ProTERM folder.
Some important files are in your OLD ProTERM folder. At minimum, your Sessions folder, and your “dialing” (services) files are needed in the NEW ProTERM folder. Sessions files are the scrollback files from previous sessions, and the services files are the ones you use from the Connect menu to connect to a service. The services (dialing) files in your Services folder contain information such as phone numbers, logon procedures, emulations, logon account information and passwords.
See “Backing Up ProTERM” above.
1- Locate and open the NEW folder named “ProTERM_Mac1.2.5”.
2- Open the OLD ProTERM folder and arrange the OLD and the NEW folders on your desktop so both folders are visible.
3- Open the Services folder in your OLD ProTERM folder.
4- Drag your personal connect files from the OLD ProTERM > Services folder to the NEW ProTERM 1.2.5 folder.
NOTE: Do not replace these files in the NEW Services folder:
!Services Read Me
InTrec BBS
{Direct Connect}
{Modem Tester}
{Quick Connect}
NOTE: If you have called the InTrec BBS and have created an autologon
macro, replace the new InTrec BBS file with the your personalized
InTrec BBS file. Otherwise, leave the new one in the folder.
5- Drag the Sessions folder and the Transfer folders from the OLD ProTERM folder to the NEW ProTERM folder and click Okay when advised that files with the same name exists.
6- If you have ProTERM Message Manager (PTMM) installed, drag the PTMM folder from the OLD ProTERM folder to the NEW ProTERM 1.2.5 folder. See <www.intrec.com> for the free new PTMM 2.5 upgrade.
7- Drag any other personal files from the OLD ProTERM 1.2 folder to the NEW ProTERM_Mac1.2.5 folder.
8- Start ProTERM: Double click the ProTERM icon in the NEW ProTERM_Mac1.2.5 folder. Click Connect in the Macintosh Status Bar; all of your services should be there and ready to go to work.
9- When you’re sure everything works as expected, and you have everything out of the OLD ProTERM folder (or folder(s) if you created the “ProTERM Copy” backup), drag the OLD folders to the trash.
10- Click “•Configuring Your System” in the Index window to continue.
When ProTERM Mac is up and running, click on the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen, choose “Tips & Get Started” from the Help menu. You will also find additional assistance in the several other Help menu files.
*** Upgrade from ProTERM 1.0 ***
ProTERM 1.2 files are complete and do not require any files from ProTERM 1.0.
Some ProTERM 1.0 files are NOT compatible with ProTERM 1.2.
A new serial and key number are needed to upgrade from ProTERM Mac 1.0 to ProTERM Mac 1.2 The upgrade is free except for the phone call or letter sent to InTrec Tech Support to request the new numbers.
There are two ways to receive a ProTERM Mac 1.2 serial and key number set:
1- Call 602/992-1345, Mon-Fri, 8-5 MST, and request your new ProTERM Mac 1.2 serial and key number.
2- We will send the serial and key number via email, but we will send it encrypted with a password. Send a letter via postal mail to request a serial and key number to be sent to you via email. Include the following in your request:
• your name and complete postal mailing address
• the email address where the file is to be sent
• current ProTERM serial number.
• An 8 character password to unlock the encrypted file. When we send the file, it will be encrypted and locked with your password. When you receive the file via email, you use the password to unlock the file.
NOTE: With the exception of TEXT files and your personal service connect (dialing) files in the ProTERM > Services folder, ProTERM 1.2 file types are changed, and are not compatible with ProTERM 1.0. Keep the OLD ProTERM files and the NEW ProTERM files in their respective folders. Old and NEW ProTERM files are not compatible, and cannot be mixed.
ProTERM 1.0 text files are easy to convert to ProTERM 1.2. Send a note to: <proterm@intrec.com> for instructions.
To use your ProTERM 1.0 Service files from your OLD ProTERM > Services folder in the NEW ProTERM > Services folder, see the above procedures (double-click “Updating ProTERM” in the Quick Index window). ===>>
Macro Scripting Note:
If you script your own macros: ProTERM 1.2.x uses a different structure for its macro files, and ProTERM 1.0 files are NOT COMPATIBLE with ProTERM 1.2.x. DO NOT COPY YOUR RESIDENT MACRO files to version 1.2.x. If you have made changes to the Resident Macro file, open the macro file and copy the changed macro elements from the OLD macro 1.0 Resident Macros file, and paste the changed elements into the file named “Resident User 12xx”. See the Read Me file in the Macros folder for details. Send a note to: <proterm-list@intrec.com> for instructions.
** ——— **
**** •Configuring Your System ****
**** =>Easy Setup ****
*** Configure Menu ***
Choose Configure from the Connect menu.
IMPORTANT: Most users need only to click on the Device pop-up window and select their modem (or a modem with similar characteristics) from the Device menu, and close the Configure window.
If you are updating from an older ProTERM and having difficulty, start your OLD ProTERM and see how it is configured.
If your configuration needs are more technical or require additional customization, make the additional changes before closing the Configure window.
** Choosing a Non-Listed Modem **
Many modem drivers listing models of 14,400 are generally the same driver that is used for a higher speed modems, and choosing the desired brand that may be listed at 14,400 when you really need a driver for a 288 or 336, does not create a problem. Choosing the “lower” speed driver will not restrict you from using a higher speed model to call at the higher speeds.
** Test for Which Modem **
If you are unable to find a modem that works for your configuration, choose “Modem Tester” from the connect menu. This is a ProTERM script that will run several tests on your modem to see if it can determine how the modem should be configured. If this still does not work, technical assistance is available at: 602/992-1345 voc, 602/992-0232 fax, or <tech@intrec.com>.
** Custom Init Strings **
If you just cannot find any driver that works, and is not generally compatible with the modems listed, choose the “Custom AT” driver and enter your needed init string in the Custom Init window.
If you have customized your modem configuration from a previous use, make a note of your custom configure strings so they can be re-entered for use with ProTERM.
**** •Connect to a Service ****
ProTERM requires a connect file to enable it to connect via modem or Telnet. A connect file contains a description all of the information needed to connect to, and communicate with a service; the name, telephone number (for modem dialup) or Internet address (for Telnet), duplex the required terminal emulation, file transfer options, autologon macros and more.
*** Create a Connect File ***
To create a new Connect file, choose Create from the Connect menu. When prompted with “Save Connect File As,” enter the name as you want the service to be listed in the Connect menu. All information, including the name, can be changed and customized at any time.
The service you just created can now be chosen from the Connect menu. Click the Connect button to connect to the service.
TIPS: • Hold the COMMAND key down while choosing the service from the Connect menu, and the service dials automatically in one operation.
• If you make changes to a service file and click the Connect button to connect to a service, changes are saved automatically when the service window closes.
• See “Terminal Window” in the ProTERM Help menu.
** Dialup Service **
A dialup service file defines all of the information needed to access a service via dialup modem.
1- Enter the phone number of the service in the Phone Number field.
2- Make sure the Method field is set to Default. Click on the “radio buttons” at the top of the window, browse through the different pages of the window, and set the options such as needed, and with the correct emulation if appropriate, for the service.
3- When finished, close the window, or connect to the service by clicking the Connect button in the lower left corner.
** Telnet Service **
To access a service via Telnet PPP, enter the Internet address of the service in the Phone Number field.
1- Set the Method field to Telnet.
2- Browse through the different pages of the window and set the options such as emulation as appropriate for the service (most Internet connected services require VT-102 or ANSI emulation).
3- The speed and format fields are not needed for Telnet connections.
4- When finished, close the window or connect to the service by clicking the Connect button. This assumes you have PPP installed on your computer.
** ——— **
***** •Startup Problems & Help Files *****
If you have problems starting ProTERM, remove the file “PT Style-OS8 1201” from the PT Resources folder (drag it to the Extras folder), and restart ProTERM. If that helps, just run ProTERM without the file. There have been just a few users reporting compatibility problems using PT Style-OS8 and since it is not a needed file, you can do without it.
Using the Help Menu
While the ProTERM manual is the most complete source of documentation, the Help menu supplements the manual and provides enough information to start using ProTERM. The Help menu is located in the Apple menu (upper left), and contains several important files to assist you in learning how to use ProTERM. ProTERM help files include an automatic quick index to find information quickly.
Help File Updates
As other help files are written, they will be available via the InTrec Web site. Placing the new help files in the Help folder makes them available in the Help menu. The latest files will always be included in current versions of the software. Current ProTERM help files are available from <www.intrec.com> and <ftp://ftp.intrec.com/pub/intrec/mac_files/>
**** FAQs ****
Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) are also available at the Web site and discussed in the ProTERM Newsletter (subscribe instructions above). Contact our Tech Support Dept through the Web page, or send email to: <proterm@intrec.com>
***** •How To Purchase ProTERM *****
For an order form: Click the Apple menu (upper left corner of the screen), and choose “Order Form” from the Help menu.
• InTrec Web site: <http://www.intrec.com/> (Use Lynx or Netscape)